This Marriage Enrichment Webinar was presented by Lena & Christoph Yasutake on the topic “Sex, Health, and Happiness.” Lena & Christoph discussed sexual intimacy and education in a fun way that empowers couples to deepen their intimate connection, increase pleasure, and overcome challenges together.
Note: This presentation is intended for married couples.
About Lena & Christoph Yasutake
Lena & Christoph Yasutake are experienced presenters at Blessing education workshop, Blessed Marriage Project seminars, and six years in Young Couples Ministry. They were Blessed in marriage on April 27, 2002 and currently reside in Bridgeport, Connecticut with their three children, Telani, Kohan and Zyana.
Lena & Christoph enjoy going on dates together, especially while trying out ethnic cuisine at new restaurants, and going to the movies together. They both love Shakespeare, but he loves all the tragedies and she love all the comedies.