We are pleased to announce that a newly revised version of the “Blessed Family Traditions” book has just been released. It replaces the publication that came out more than 30 ago. This new version…
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Marriage, like our spiritual health, physical health, and personal cleanliness requires constant investment and upkeep! The BFM regularly shares marriage enrichment articles and resources to help you and your spouse explore different ways to…
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The Divine Principle is an unprecedented new worldview, new cosmology, new view of life, new view of providence, and new view of history. It is an integrated principle that embraces all religions, doctrines and…
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Everyone can use a little extra support in handling life’s challenges—and one way to get it is through talking with a professional. Seeking the support of a counselor or therapist is so valuable, especially…
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Stay updated with the most recent news and resources from our Blessed Family community! The latest resources and opportunities for matching, marriage, and families Enrichment articles and videos Community News on ascensions and newborns…
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What are the qualities of a true mother? How can we define her incomparable love for the family and world? In honor of True Mother's visit to America, below is a selection from True…
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