On Saturday, March 12, the American Clergy Leadership Conference in Los Angeles, CA experienced a move from on high at Holy St. Andrew’s MBC, as hosting pastor, Rev. John Culpepper, opened with a prayer and Deacon Maurice Jones and Deacon Wesley Millsap led those present to lift their voices in praise. Then, Rev. Kevin Palmer of Mt. Pleasant Hill Church electrified the audience with a message on “Marriage & Family: God’s Original Plan,” emphasizing that as individuals and as couples, we can and must go back to God’s original plan for unconditional love in the family.
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church… Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.” (Ephesians 5:22, 25)
Following the message, everyone present was inspired when Mrs. Yang performed a beautiful rendition of The Lord’s Prayer, and her husband, Rev. Young-Tak Yang offered a most encompassing and uplifting prayer. Also informative and uplifting were excerpts from the video on “Stand for Family, Save the Nation” on the significance of the Blessing of Marriage. The next Marriage Blessing in Los Angeles will be on Saturday, April 30.
Concluding the program, ACLC partnered with “Stewards Rise Up” to present an informative message on taking dominion over one’s finances, cleaning up a credit report and preparing one’s family for responsible financial management.
Overall, the event delivered a powerful message of God’s love for family and the strength that family provides to a community.
“Today’s event was full of godly warmth, love and information. You could feel a move of the Holy Spirit giving information on the family and financial stability. The Bible says ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge’. This ministry today was impacted with knowledge and power from on high. You could sense that God is getting ready to take us to new levels. I believe God is getting ready to bring warriors for Christ in from the north, south, east and west to build and bring back families to God’s original plan. To God be the Glory!” – Rev. Kevin Palmer
“This day was really a beautiful day dealing with God’s view of marriage and family which is a very timely message. This message is something that not just the church but our community needs to come together on. It all starts at home and not out on the street. The outpouring of love at this event was tremendous.” – Rev. Culpepper
“The luncheon and fellowship centered on Marriage and Family and God’s Original Plan delivered a powerful message ministered to us by keynote speaker, Rev. Kevin Palmer. The ‘Stewards Rise Up Program’ was very informative. I was truly inspired by CEO/Founder Charles Pereira who is a major advocate of financial education and is offering hope and empowerment to people in our communities to regain financial freedom.” – Rev. Cassandra Buchanan
“This program was remarkable and I really enjoyed it. The teaching was dynamic and the preaching was awesome! The content presented was profound yet presented so simply that even a child could comprehend.” – Rev. Grover Durham
“This event was really an inspiration to me. A lot of people need to hear what the preacher was preaching about. We need to ask God to help us to spread the good news to other churches.” – Deacon Maurice Jones