Beautiful pink and white flowers decorated the reception area as well as the sanctuary. A fresh scent of cedar wood incense traveled throughout the building reminding us that, as we are created from nature, we also return to nature once our life is completed. Grace of the Holy Garden echoed through the speakers as family and friends walked through the doors and signed their names for attendance. Korean, English and Japanese languages could be heard amongst those in the attendance reflecting on the many memories that was left behind. Saturday, May 6th, 2015 at the Palms Mortuary in Las Vegas was the Seonghwa (Ascension) Ceremony for Mrs. HeeSeok Kwak Park.
To begin, the song Blessing of Glory was sung in order to uplift the spirit of Mrs. HeeSeok Kwak Park into the arms of our Heavenly Parent. Afterwards, Las Vegas Pastor Rev. Ken Doo gave a brief eulogy about her victorious and incredible life of devotion in which she offered to True Parents. There was a video presentation which was her biography. Her main offering was her Moxibustion service for True Parents and the True Family at East Garden. In 2011 he received the Cheon Il Guk Award. Furthermore, she offered three 40 day fasting conditions and six 21-day fasting conditions and in 1962 she accomplished a 242 mile March for Heavenly Providence.
Three testimonies were given: Mrs. Kumhee Fontaine, Mr. Futoshi Irano, and Mrs. Hope Igarashi and they each shared their heart of love and memory of Mrs. Park. Her three grandchildren also gave testimonies which moved the hearts of the family as well as the audience. Tears streamed down the faces of the family as he expressed how much his grandmother had been there for them. Beautiful single roses were placed on an altar in front of her casket as each person offered a half bow and their rose symbolizing their love and respect for the woman with the Iron Determination. It was not a somber atmosphere per say—the atmosphere was more joyful and positive in order for her to ascend peacefully and without regrets. Mrs. HeeSeok Park was a woman of incredible power and courage and faith and we should learn from her example as ones who should always and undoubtedly follow in our True Parents’ and Heavenly Parent’s teaching. Mrs. HeeSeok Kwak Park, thank you so much for your life of shimjeong (devotion). Please rest peacefully and regretless in the spirit world!
Contributed by Kinesha McManiel