In Memory of Robert Ouellette(1949 - 2017)

individual picture
Robert Ouellette
Joshua, Marie, Jacob, Monica, Nathan
Birth Date
September 21, 1949
Blessing Date
August 25, 1992
Ascension Date
April 30, 2017  
Local Church
Jacksonville Family Church
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our beloved brother, Robert Ouellette, of the Jacksonville Family Church in Florida, ascended to the spiritual world on Sunday, April 30, 2017 after a stroke. Robert met our True Parents 44 years ago and has served in many leadership positions over the years, in New Hampshire, where he was also elected as a State Representative, and in Florida, where he served as UPF Director and Pastor. His generous, warm heart will forever be remembered as well as his dedication to God and True Parents.

Bob is survived by his wife Yasuko (Kim), children: Joshua, Marie, Jacob, Monica, and Nathan, daughter in law Yukiko, and two grandchildren.

Let us join together to support Bob's family, and pray for his victorious transition to a glorious new life in the spiritual world, where our True Father and many saints are waiting for him with open hearts and arms.

Following is a bio and service information for Robert from his family and pastor.


​​Dr. Ki Hoon Kim
Continental Director

​​Dr. Michael Balcomb
family and friends

Robert Ouellette ascended on April 30, 2017 from a stroke. He was diagnosed with cancer and during an operation in September, he suffered a stroke which left him paralyzed. Bob joined the Unification Movement in New Hampshire in 1973. He was active in witnessing in New Hampshire and Arizona, bringing many prominent guests to see our vision of peace and attend the American Leadership Conferences. He also worked with a special prison project in New Jersey as well.

Bob was Blessed with Yasuko (Kim) in 1992 at the 30,000 Couples’ Blessing and is the father of Joshua, Marie, and Jacob. Bob has two children from a previous marriage – Monica and Nathan. Nathan was blessed with Yukiko in 2000 and gave Bob two beautiful blessed grandchildren.

Bob was chosen by True Father to be one of the original American Constitution Committee leaders in 1987 and was elected to the New Hampshire State House as a State Representative. After eight successful years, he moved to Florida and worked as the State Director of the Universal Peace Federation.

Bob worked on the annual Parents’ Day celebration where his contacts were nominated to be Parents of the Year from Florida. Bob organized an impressive award ceremony in cooperation with the Catholic Church for this important family oriented event. He served as the pastor of the Jacksonville Family Church for two years and then became active in the Palm Coast Family Church, which the Ouellette family attended.

Before Bob passed away, he had been working as the Northeast Florida Coordinator of the Society of St. Andrew, a non-profit gleaning organization.

Bob is survived by his wife Yasuko (Kim), children: Joshua, 22, Marie, 20, Jacob, 19, Monica, and Lt. USN Nathan Ouellette, daughter in law Yukiko, and two grandchildren.Bob will be remembered as a great patriot, noble leader, loving husband, and father. He is known for his warm, generous heart, wonderful sense of humor and his devotion to God and True Parents. He was truly a man that lived for the sake of others.

Seonghwa Ceremony

A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, May 13, 2017, at 10 AM, at the Riverside Baptist Church, 2650 Park St. Jacksonville, FL 32204.


Condolences and Donations can be sent directly to the family, c/o Kim Ouellette, 4162 Saunders Dr., Middleburg, FL 32068.

Seonghwa Ceremony

10:00 AM
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Riverside Baptist Church - 2650 Park St. Jacksonville, FL 32204

Comments (5)

  • Gary Jarmin


    I came to know Bob through the work of the American Freedom Coalition–he was one of the original Top Guns. He was a terrific guy…smart, funny but also very dedicated. He had a true heart for HF and love of America. Sad he went too soon. See you on the other side, brother. Much love and condolences to his family.


  • Michael Drake


    I had the good fortune to work with Bob here in Tampa on UPF activities in 2010. Bob was always supportive and totally dedicated to the work. I will miss my good friend, Bob.


  • Gunnard Z. Johnston, Jr


    I first met Bob in 1988 in New Hampshire. Bob’s deep heart, his love for God, True Parents, and for God’s providence in America will be forever remembered. May his descendants continue his good tradition.


  • Mark E Bouchard


    Bob joined the church in NH in Durham in 73, he at that time ran a Christian coffee house named Maranatha. He loved music, and loved to sings. I’ll always remember his big heart, and smile. He is missed.


  • Mitch Dixon


    Dear Yasuko, I never knew Bob, but I knew he was in good hands being married to you. I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you for your love and support. We fundraised together in 1975 on John G.’s team in Iowa for a short time.


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