
In Memory of Mario Ferrario

Name: Mario Ferrario
Spouse: Lucianna Ferrario
Children: Sara, Marzia, Donata, and Bianca
Birth Date: July 7, 1936
Blessing: December 22, 1976
Ascension Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Mr. Mario Ferrario, 83, of Buckeystown, Maryland passed away on Wednesday, January 1, 2020. He was born in Milan, Italy on June 7, 1936 to parents Carlo Ferrario and Maria Bistoletti. He was the husband of Luciana Migliorini. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his four daughters, Sara, Marzia, Donata, and Bianca, and his seven grandchildren, Jiulia, Mateo, Meimi, Kenritsu Jonathan, Bryan, Kiyo, and Owen.

Born Catholic, christened and confirmed, he started life as a young child surviving the ravages of the 2nd world war. After trade school, he served as an Alpino in the Italian Military from 1957 to 1959. He started his career as an accountant in a coffee factory where he met Lucianna and after two years they were married on September 16, 1963 in Milan, Italy. They became the proud parents of Sara in 1964 and Marzia was born shortly after in 1967. In 1969 they were introduced to the teachings of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianty, and in 1970 they moved to Rome to start a branch in Italy. In 1973 he moved to Bergamo to pioneer the movement in northern Italy. In 1974 together Mario and Lucianna started Tongil Company in Italy, selling ginseng and other natural and holistic health and beauty products. They received the blessing and renewed vows on December 22nd, 1976 in Belvedere, NY as part of 35 couples renewing their vows with Rev. Sun Myung Moon. In 1978 Donata was born and in 1979 Bianca was born. He retired from Tongil in 1992 to pastor and minister couples all over Italy. In 1996 he accepted the ministry of being a missionary in Romania and moved there with his two younger daughters and wife shortly thereafter. In 2008 they moved back to Italy due to health problems, but were also able to enjoy time with their two grandchildren Giulia and Mateo. In 2017 Mario and his wife Luciana moved to America to spend time with their younger daughters families and enjoyed time between Chicago and DC area and spending time with the 5 younger grandchildren. Mario is greatly loved, loved greatly, and leaves behind a world changed for the better from his efforts.

Donations to support Luciana and the family can be made here:

Seonghwa Ceremony
Date: Monday, January 6, 2020 at 11:30 AM
Location: Buckeystown United Methodist Church, 3440 Buckeystown Pike, Buckeystown, MD.

Comments (13)

  • Danny Covone


    i work whit Mario in I


  • Danny Covone


    I work whit Mario in Italy in the 1980 i was in MFT and print la nuova era in Bergamo he has so dedication to print this new paper is hard work was not limit,same time tell as to care about this paper.I was proud all this time spend night and day for is dedication.Thank you God blessing Danilo Covone


  • Stefania Jones


    Carissima Luciana e famiglia, vorrei mandare un abbraccio con tutto il cuore.. mancano le parole per esprimere i sentimenti di questa notizia ! Qunti bei ricordi..
    Stefania & Clinton Jones


  • Cati


    Grazie, Mario!


  • migliore gennaro


    Thanks for your love .
    You will be missed in Italy

    May God Bless you and your family .


  • mauro sarasso


    Poche parole per ricordare Mario e ringraziare per tutto ciò che abbiamo vissuto insieme nei lunghi anni dopo che ci siamo incontrati nei primi mesi del 1973.
    Tanti ricordi e gratitudine per i momenti arricchenti di collaborazione e condivisione.
    Un abbraccio a Luciana.
    Un caro saluto Donata e Bianca, che non vedo da anni, ed alle vostre famiglie.
    Mauro e DukLim


  • Marcia de Abreu and Enrique Sanchez


    Dear Luciana and family,
    We remeber Mario and you Luciana as missionaries in Romania, where we were able to first meet you. Our memory of Mario is of a kind, sweet, easygoing person. Our relationship with both of you in Bucarest was beautiful, agreeable and charming. We pray that his passing to the spirit world is in peace and full of love. We will pray for him and for you during this period of sadness. Love, Enrique and Marcia


  • Lloyd Howell


    I don’t even know this brother but was moved to tears as I read his memoriam – somehow feeling the beauty of his life; a life well-lived!
    Chow bambino of heavenly father.


  • Mary Cordill


    Blessing to this wonderful brother and to his family…thank you for your life of dedication to heaven!


  • Daniela Donati Voelker


    Dear Mario, thank you for your exemplary dedication to Heaven. Love to Luciana e famiglia❤️


  • Catrine Von Dinklage


    I remember beautiful days spent in your centre in Bergamo in 1976.
    You were truly both God sent.
    May Mario rest in Peace!
    Love and blessings Luciana and family


  • Mario Melchiorre & Famiglia


    Cara Luciana & Famiglia, quando penso a Mario e a quanto ha investito per la Tongil e la Famiglia italiana, mi sento profondamente grato per la Sua fede nei Veri Genitori e per il suo esempio di vera leadership..! Ancora mi ricordo la sua grande dedizione e duro lavoro nella Tongil dai primi difficili anni pionieristici in poi..verso un successo più sostanziale..! Lavorai dal 1977 all’80 con Mario e con altri ginsenisti e ancora nutro una profonda stima e grande affetto per questo meraviglioso esempio di vero fratello ! Con grandissimo affetto e enormi abbracci per tutta la Famiglia Ferrario..Heavenly Parents will surely meet you with a huge Embrace of True Love!


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