
In Memory of Henry Masters

Name: Henry Masters
Spouse: Avril Masters
Birth Date: July 16, 1926
Ascension Date: May 23, 2020

Our beloved brother Henry Masters ascended to the spirit world on Saturday, May 23, 2020 at the age of 93. He leaves behind his wife Avril, three children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

Henry was dearly loved by True Parents, and Father saw Henry as the “true English gentleman.” Upon his passing, True Mother wrote a beautiful calligraphy for Henry whom she would affectionately call, “Henly.” The calligraphy reads: 조국광복필승봉신대표자 “The Representative who contributed to the liberation and absolute victory of Heaven’s homeland.”

The Seonghwa Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 11:00 AM BST (6:00 AM EST) at the UK National Wonjeon at the Holy Oak Memorial Ground in Stanton Fitzwarren, Wiltshire. Due to current restrictions that service is only open to family and a few friends, but there will be an online memorial service the following day, Wednesday, June 10 scheduled for 4:00 PM BST (11:00 AM EST).

Henry and his wife Avril met the Unification Church movement in the early 1970s and very quickly realized this was a path they had to follow. Despite coming from a very wealthy and well-established background that had developed over many generations they were moved by the story of Jesus where he spoke about a rich man who should sell everything he had to follow Jesus. Henry and Avril decided to donate their entire estate and fortune to the Messiah and follow True Parents unconditionally. The story of his life is the subject of the recent short movie, “The Eye of the Needle,” which can be accessed on the FFWPU UK website at

Before long Henry went to the United States where he joined a 120-day training course and later stayed on as a gardener at Belvedere. Back in England, Henry became a driver for True Father in his 1978 visit. It was towards the end of True Parents’ time in London that Father asked him to go back to America and set up the boat building business, Master Marine. He was later joined by Avril and they remained in the USA until 2007 when they returned to the UK. Throughout those intervening years, Henry spent time in many parts of the USA supporting True Father in setting up and developing the boat building business. Henry will be greatly missed by all those who knew him but where a bright light has gone out in this world so we can be sure that another bright light has just been lit in the next.

May God bless and guide Henry in his new home and may he be eternally at peace.

If you would like to make a donation for the family, please do so at:


Michael & Fumiko Balcomb
Regional Group Chair, FFWPU Europe & the Middle East

Seonghwa Ceremony

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 11:00 AM BST (6:00 AM EST)

Comments (6)

  • Tyler Hendricks


    What a marvelous testimony of a life of sincere dedication to God and True Parents. Out there fishing with our True Father, Henry, may you bring in a magnificent result for Heaven forever!


  • Tom Corley


    What Henry and his family have done will long be remembered in history, is now and long will be, the most powerful testament they could give to True Parents. Henry and Avril understood True Parents fulfilled the mission of the Lord of the Second Advent by fulfilling the Marriage supper of the lamb.
    God Bless you Henry


  • Henri Schauffler


    God Bless Henry and Avril! We were Blessed with them in 1976 with the 35 Previously Married couples. Henry was always a positive, uplifting and loving presence.


  • Yukinori Sato


    The only sure way to teach our children is complete a life of unchanging principle. I cannot thank you enough for setting this exemplary life that can teach the generations to come in our movement. Your family’s example will resound in eternity, for certain… I can imagine True Father’s big smile as he welcomes Mr. Masters in the spiritual world.


  • Marius J.Henry


    Love that name , but like SMM who has entered the spiritual world as Master-Master on 9/3/2012, he was finally Happy, and rest in Original Peace of the win-win of God the welcome as servant-servant of the Original Heavenly Father Divine Providence, the spirit of Truth is Lord, made them Friend of the Final Divine Providence and will , this dispensation of spiritual re-conception again, therefore, Henry will have a last name change in position,it is an Originally Blessed 4th Adam as Friend of Jesus Christ & SMM, therefore, a Prodigal Parent for God , May God Bless My New England, my Old World is First in God D Day Two, my Face and Faith is in God’s Right Time, my God is Amazingmirror4


  • Gwenn Bair


    About Mr. Henry Masters
    My husband Roger and I had the privilege to share a house with Mr. and Mrs. Masters while working with Master Marine a few decades ago. They were always so kind and definitely, he was truly a gentle gentleman. He was devoted to his wife Avril and they had so many little ways they enjoyed life together . I think of him and his wife with love and affection. Thank you dear Mr. Henry Masters, for all you have given to this world. Love, Gwenn and Roger


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