
In Memory of Linda Haibara

Name: Linda Haibara
Spouse: Kenichiro
Children: Isamu, Amy, Talia
Birth Date: November 30, 1954
Blessed Date: July 1, 1982
Ascension Date: July 31, 2019

Linda Colleen (Poore) Haibara, age 64, ascended to the spirit world on July 31, 2019 after a valiant and brave battle against cancer. Linda was born to Ernest and Dorothy Poore in Perham, Minnesota on November 30, 1954 and graduated from PHS in 1972. She returned to Perham ten years ago. She held a variety of jobs over her lifetime, but her work as a potter truly expressed her artistic heart. All of her life she admired and sought out other artists, musicians, and visionary role models. She loved beautiful things and surrounded herself with them. She gave her pottery as mementos at family reunions. Recently she won a grant to produce soup bowls and medallions for an event promoting healthy living and use of Perham’s walking paths; both dear to her values. Linda studied karate extensively and loved yoga as well.

Linda was a nurturer, starting as a babysitter, and was devoted to her elderly parents’ needs. She routinely brought small tokens of humor, affection, and inspiration to share, and she pitched in to do the hard work of cleaning and gardening with stoicism. She loved driving a special needs van and offering daily loving support to the young students. She loved her cats and dogs and delighted in observing and feeding birds through the bitter winters.

In her twenties, she joined the Unification Church and served in The Confederation Association of Unity in South America (CAUSA) in an administrative role. She went to Brazil, Portugal, and Korea to organize events for CAUSA. She also lived in San Francisco, Tennessee, New York City, Seattle Washington, Vermont, Japan, Minnesota, and Ohio in her lifetime.

It was a major turning point in her life when she married Kenichiro Haibara in one of America’s largest weddings at Madison Square Garden. She and Ken made their home in Vermont, Japan, Ohio and most recently Perham. They brought three precious children into the world. Son Isamu Yong David passed on August 25, 2018. Daughter Amy Jun Soon passed as a newborn. Daughter Talia is a graduate of PHS and Hamline University in St. Paul and now lives in Perham.

Linda was joyously curious, loved learning, and was a kind and patient teacher. She studied to be a Medical Assistant at the University of Minnesota, Morris, dietetics, and nutrition with Shaw Academy, and ceramics at Lakeland College, Ohio.

A true explorer of the world, Linda loved traveling. She lived in Japan with her husband Ken and two small children for three years, providing their children the opportunity to spend precious time with Ken’s mother and sister and learn about their father’s homeland. Linda and daughter Talia often went on trips together including a trip where they visited Korea for a spiritual retreat.

Linda is survived by her husband, Kenichiro Haibara; daughter, Talia Haibara; mother, Dorothy Poore; (Perham Living) and siblings Lynn Poore (Karen Bruder); Nancy Poore (Leonardo Robinson); Ruthanne Randall (Lynn Randall); Kevin Poore (Julie Field); as well as a large nationwide extended family of cousins, nieces and nephews.

Memories of Linda Poore Haibara will warm our hearts always, and she will be remembered forever as a loving mother, devoted daughter, beloved sister, and loyal wife. We welcome all who can attend to join us in celebrating Linda’s life.

Seonghwa Ceremony 

Date: Saturday, August 10, 2019 at 4:00 PM
Location: Calvary Lutheran Church – 619 3rd Ave. SW Perham
Visiting and Dinner to Follow

Memorial gifts can be sent using the online fundraiser below or sent to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Minnesota.


Flowers can be sent to Karvonen & Son Funeral Home – 419 2nd Street NE, Wadena, MN 56482

Comments (6)

  • John Hitchler


    God Bless You Linda! Love and spiritual support to your family


  • Galvan family


    To the Haibara family, Very sorry for your loss. Wishing you God’s and TPs’ Love 💕 and Protection. Galvan family, ITN


  • Yoshiura Family


    Thank you Linda for your endearing spirit and simplicity.


  • Mary Cordill


    Love and blessings to our precious sister and her family. With gratitude for your well lived life,
    Mary O’Brien Cordill


  • Denis Manor


    Thank you Linda for a life well lived. May your next journey be filled with much joy and happiness.


  • Larry Olson


    My thoughts & prayers are with your family.


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