In Memory of Lilibeth Baneni(1965 - 2016)

individual picture
Lilibeth Baneni
Daniel Baneni
Crystal, Martha, Daniel Jr., Lee, Jason
Birth Date
August 5, 1965
Ascension Date
June 23, 2016  
Our beloved sister, Lilibeth Baneni, ascended to the spirit world on Thursday, June 23, at Columbia Memorial Hospital in Hudson, NY. Lilibeth was dedicated to her family and friends, and put her love and care into everything she did. She will be sorely missed by everyone. Lilibeth is survived by her husband Daniel and their five children, Crystal, Martha, Daniel Jr., Lee and Jason.

Let us join together to support Lilibeth's family during this special and important time, and offer our prayers for her victorious transition to a glorious new life in the spiritual world.

Following is a short biography from her husband Daniel, and Seonghwa information from Pastor Gavin Hamnett.


Dr. Ki Hoon Kim
Continental Director

​Dr. Michael Balcomb

Lilibeth Cortez Baneni was born on the 5th of August in the year 1965 as the eighth child in a family of twelve, in San Pablo, Philippines. She grew up in San Pablo with the strong desire to please her parents by being the first in her family to graduate from University. She achieved this dream when she graduated from the University of San Pablo with a degree in Banking and Finance.

When she was in university, she joined the Unification Church and became an active CARP member. She was selected to attend the Blessing of 1989 but could not make the trip to Korea for the matching. In 1992, she was Blessed with Daniel Baneni, from Cameroon, Africa. After the blessing in Korea, Lilibeth returned to the Philippines, and then joined her husband in Cameroon, Africa in 1997. In 1999, the young couple were blessed with their first daughter, Crystal. In 2001, Lilibeth joined her husband in the United States, where they would have four more children, Martha, Daniel Jr., Lee and Jason.

Lilibeth devoted her entire life for her children and gave every ounce of her time and energy for her family. Lilibeth always put her family first and herself last. As her husband, I can testify that she is the purest soul I have ever met with a sincerity and genuine care for others that has no equal. She epitomized the phrase “to live for the sake of others” and took that as a personal motto. We will miss you Lilibeth, we will miss you forever.

Seonghwa Ceremony

The Seonghwa for Lilibeth will take place on Thursday, June 30, at 11:00 AM (EST) at the UTS Interfaith Chapel in Barrytown, NY. (Please note the change for the Seonghwa location from the funeral home to UTS.)

The Wake or Viewing will be held on Wednesday, June 29, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM (EST) at the Burnett and White Funeral Home, 7641 S. Broadway, Red Hook, NY.

The Won Jeon Ceremony will be at the Red Church Cemetery in Tivoli, and will be followed by a pot luck lunch reception at The Massena House, Unification Theological Seminary, Barrytown, NY.

Flowers and Donations

Flowers can be ordered from Dijk Flowers at 845-339-0980.

There will be a basket at the Funeral Home for donations to support the family. Donations can also be sent to Daniel Baneni at 1903 Rt. 203, Lot 90, Chatham, NY 12037.


If you would like to offer a testimony at the Seonghwa in person or send one by e-mail, please contact Pastor Gavin at

Seonghwa Ceremony

11:00 AM (EST)
Thursday, June 30, 2016
UTS Interfaith Chapel, 30 Seminary Dr., Barrytown, NY 12507
The Wake or Viewing will be held at the funeral home on Wednesday, June 29, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

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