In Memory of Curtis Fladung(1963 - 2015)

individual picture
Curtis Fladung
Rita Fladung
Cory (21), Jessica (18) , Nicole (18) , Kailey (10)
Birth Date
October 9, 1963
Blessing Date
January 12, 1989
Ascension Date
June 18, 2015  
Our beloved brother, Curtis Fladung, from the Triangle Family Church in North Carolina has ascended to the spirit world on Thursday, June 18. Curtis had a soul of an artist, he was a writer and a dreamer. He and his wife Rita were blessed in 1989, and they have four daughters, Cory, Jessica, Nicole, and Kailey.

Let us support Curtis' family during this important time and offer our prayers for his victorious transition to a glorious new life in the spiritual world.

Following is a biography and the Seonghwa information.


​​Dr. Ki Hoon Kim
Continental Director

​​Dr. Michael Balcomb

Curtis Fladung was born in Denver, Colorado on October 9, 1963. He joined the Unification Church in 1983. He received the Marriage Blessing with Rita on January 12, 1989 in Korea as part of the 1,275 Couples’ Blessing. Together they lived in Korea as missionaries for two years promoting the unification of North and South Korea. He has four children, Cory age 21, Jessica and Nicole age 18, and Kailey age 10. Life was never easy for him; regardless, he always had such a strong faith. Curtis was a writer and a dreamer. From a young age he dealt with his struggles through his creativity in writing and drawing. He has a passion for comic books, super heroes, and reading. His favorite thing to do was play video games with his daughters. He was difficult to understand at times, but so are many great artists of the world. Even though he was often misunderstood, we will always remember his youthful spirit.

Seonghwa Ceremony

6:00 PM
Triangle Family Church - 1414 Watts St. Durham, NC

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