In Memory of Clifford Accra(1947 - 2015)
- Name
- Clifford Accra
- Spouse
- Gladys Accra
- Children
- Aewha Accra (29), Young Mi Bellavance (28) , Young Ae Ferch (28) , Godis Accra (26) , Lovis Accra (24)
- Birth Date
- September 8, 1947
- Blessing Date
- October 14, 1982
- Ascension Date
- March 14, 2015
Following is a testimony by His children.
Clifford Augustus Accra was born on September 8th, 1947, in his mother’s home in Plaisance Village on the East Coast of Demerara, Guyana. He was part of a family of 2 boys and 5 girls. His father was a sugar cane cutter and labourer. He was a dutiful son and was very close to his mother. Because cane cutting is a seasonal job Clifford’s mother had to work hard to support the family. During the off season, Clifford’s father did what he could as a general labourer. As Clifford grew, he began to seek work on his own and would always send money to support his mother.
Clifford has served the Unification Church for 43 years. He joined in 1972, after Barbara Burrowes witnessed to him on a ferry. In 1974, Clifford was among the first members from Guyana who attended Leadership Training in New York. He later participated in the campaigns at Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument in 1976. He spent approximately two years in the United States before returning to Guyana.
His Blessing in Korea on October 14th, 1982 with Gladys was indeed ordained by Heaven. This union produced four daughters and one son. After the Blessing, he pioneered and did fundraising in countries such as Puerto Rico and Italy, before settling in Gladys’ country, the Dominican Republic. In 1985 they started a family who credit their dedication to our Beloved True Parents. In the Dominican Republic he worked in flower cultivation, which was part of the Unification Church’s fundraising activities.
In 1992, after receiving a message from our Heavenly Parent to serve in Guyana, he returned with his family and for a while, ran a successful charcoal production business. Clifford and Gladys took on the mission of administrating the Joshua house Children’s Centre in 1994. The Centre caters for children who come from unfortunate circumstances such as abuse, neglect and broken homes. It was always a challenging task, but one that he deemed rewarding, as he saw many young children come from terrible situations but was able to help them to become good members of society. Many would attest that he was the only father figure they knew. This was a Unification Church project, which will always be remembered in the history of UC Guyana. He dedicated his life to caring for the children until his death. Clifford Accra was an historic member of the Guyana Family whose lineage will continue and who has now become a first ancestor of Guyana.
He was a great father figure and uncle to hundreds of people, young and old. He can be described as an exceptionally understanding, selfless, loving, caring, creative, helpful and poetic individual. Clifford Accra loved nature. He was inspired to build his own Hydroponic garden at the back of the children’s orphanage, and was always finding ways to improve it. This garden produced many varieties of organic vegetables. The superior quality of the produce and the garden caught the attention of many agricultural organizations, such as Partners of the Americas, which became one of the main donors. The main purpose of the garden, however, was not recognition, but to provide a source of revenue for the orphanage and to assist in funding radio and television programs which were being broadcast by the Unification Church with the aim of teaching the Divine Principle to the people of Guyana. His desire before he passed was to recommence the television program, which had not been aired for many years due to lack of funding. Before he passed away, he was extending and improving the irrigation system in the garden. Among other caps he wore was that of marriage officer, a teacher of the Word of God, and the Vice President of the Family Federation for World Peace in Guyana.
He taught and inspired many to live God centred lives, not only through words, but also by setting an example through his actions. Many individuals came to seek his wisdom and he was always kind and open, lending a listening ear to all. Family was of utmost importance to him, but he believed in service to others, even at the sacrifice of his family.
Clifford Accra ascended on March 14th, 2015. His forty three years in our Unification Church/FFWPU, is the history of a man called by the Heavenly Father and who served with all his heart.
His love, kindness, and sacrificial heart will live on through the many lives that he has touched directly and indirectly.
- Date
- 20150411
- Location
- 255/6 Thomas Street South Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana
Seonghwa Ceremony
Mailing Address for Donations and Flowers
255 Thomas Street South Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana